Sunday, 28 October 2012

Introduction to window 8

when apple  like giants are spreading there reach to common people, microsoft launches it much waited
window 8 on thursday 26 october .window 8 is the successor to window 7.

window 8 is designed to be used in both tablets and Pcs.Microsoft is also on it ways to launch there tablet, which will direct compete with apple i pad and samsung galaxy tab.

window 8 can be control with hand  mouse and key board, in complete we can say one operating system, multiple uses on multiple gadgets  . window 8 is being launched in two versions, window 8 and window 8 pro.its was also in head line that microsoft coming with new logo after 25 years of service.
microsoft has partnered with 14 manufacturers, like dell,lenovo,HP,HCL,acer, asus , who together put on sale 250 devices on the latest window os, according to zee tec news.
Menu is replaced by tiles which  showcases users content.
if you want to run window 8 in your pc, here are the requirements:

for 64 bits(x64)
cpu 1ghz
20 GB minimum hard disk space
2 GB ram
directx-9 grafics card

requirements for 32 bit (x32)
cpu 1 Ghz
16 GB hard disk space
1 GB Ram
Directx-9 graphics card

little but history about microsoft and its operating system:
the first version of MS window version 1.0. released in NOV 1985, lacked in multitasking, gain very less popularity, competing with apple os it self.
windows 2.03 was released in jan 1988

microsoft window version 3.0  released in 1990
sold 2 millon copies in first 6 months
window 3.1 was released in july 1993, first os capable of multitasking
then comes window 95 in the year 1995
followed by window 2000 in the year 2000
window xp released in 25 oct 2001, first os, which was personal computer compatible
window xp was succeeded by window vista in the year 2007, but it failed to gain expected appreciations, i would like to share one truth,that ,most of the ATM MACHINES in the world run on window vista Operating system

window 7 was released on july 22 . 2009. it become most popular operating system after XP, some says it a upgraded version of XP.
And the latest news , window 8 released on 26 oct 2012.Iam excited to use window 8, microsoft keep in mind all the latest gadgets in mind before making it.

  you can download                                  window 8 for free 90 days free window trial .........

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the summarized information about the latest and hottest content..............
