Friday, 16 September 2011


1985 was the year..when i walk with my father.holding his little finger..wearing white canvas shoes..grey sweater ..grey mission school for first idea..where iam going..but was happy..for my red water superman school bag on my back...and...nice food in my bag...for me it was not less then a picnic..............................................

         But soon my dream comes to an end.....the way was not to picnic..but to
 something called school( dalmia vidya mandir)...a mid age old man standing on the gate with a stick...with big moustache....watching .me going inside ..i remembered..i turn around ...and see that guy as many time as possible.....
i must mention..i was also accompanied by my first friend of my life..gyan(sikun)
he was too on same mission school..accompanied by his grand father...he was crying a lot...i have no idea...why ? but iam sure he was having  an idea..where he going  much before then me......

when i entered the school..i see many others same wearing me....some crying..some running away...some struggling with teachers..some with our giri i start feeling something wrong going to happen with me......

holding my father too me to a class room on extreme end of the classes..which all use to say nursery.....i can see there were extra army of teachers present out their the class to hold us from going away from the class..

he handed my hand to a lady ..much much taller then me..she our vidya teacher....i can still remember her..her love for each student...she was not married..but she was our there...
she was the lady who teach me A for apple.......B for ball...who teach me what my name means...and how to rite it.........i still remember my continuous wetting my pants...and ...every time making me nanga ..and make me  stand in sun to dry.ahahhaha

"wow full insulting...other student noticeeeee........." my life was like phas gaya re barik.....

but days past...from one class to other we move...with classes..we also start growing.......behind my class there was a my tiffin..break ..i use to go there and watch other students sliding on that..that make me so day finally i decided to do my i was i was close to the side railing while sliding..when i slide down..i feel cold back side.hahahahha

yes you got it...a small piece of my pant was still there in the slider...i..pull down my over size tat it covers my moon....
i told my mother. .. my pant torn..
i was having one more in i wear that and day..i was decided i wont slide any more but..when i see other guys enjoying..i cant wait..and i go again..and again my pant torn......

my mother was so angry to me....after that my father buy me other pair of pants .but now i never slide again.........................